JSON, Level: Advanced, Level: Intermediate, Version: FM 16 or later

FastRange Custom Function

Recently I needed to produce a large range of consecutive numbers. FileMaker doesn’t provide a built-in function for this but it’s easy enough to accomplish, for example, using the While function or a recursive custom function. In this case, I decided to go a different route based on a tip I’d seen someone post years ago (I’ve forgotten whom so cannot give proper credit) that you can leverage a couple of FileMaker’s JSON functions to facilitate this task, with the advantages being blazingly fast performance and an opportunity to think outside the box.

Demo file:  fastrange-cf-v1.04.zip
Continue reading “FastRange Custom Function”

JSON, Level: Advanced, Version: FM 16 or later

Connecting Portals to JSON Arrays

Have you ever wished you could connect a portal to a JSON array? Portals and JSON arrays seem like they should be a natural fit, but FileMaker doesn’t offer us an obvious way to connect one to the other.

(Why would you want to do this? One use case would be to provide dynamic scrollable selection criteria for a report.)

At any rate, today we’re going to take a look at a little proof-of-concept I threw together to enable portals to display and edit data in JSON arrays. In a real-world implementation, the JSON would likely be sitting in a $$variable, which, among other things, would help make the technique multi-user friendly. Here, in the interest of simplicity, I’ve opted to store the JSON in a regular text field. A couple benefits of doing so:

  • You will see changes made in the portal immediately reflected in the JSON, and vice-versa.
  • As you navigate from record to record within the demo, the portals will reconfigure themselves to accommodate the corresponding JSON.

(Yes, it’s possible to accomplish the preceding with variables as well, but the aim here is to keep things simple).

Demo file: connecting-portals-to-json-arrays.zip

Continue reading “Connecting Portals to JSON Arrays”

Level: Advanced, Version: FM 16 or later

Set Variable By Name Re-Revisited

Demo files: set-var-by-name-v4 and set-var-by-name-md5


This is a quick follow up to last December’s Set Variable By Name Revisited, and to avoid repetition will assume the reader is familiar with the material that was presented in that article. But to briefly recap:

1. FileMaker does not provide an obvious way to programatically name a variable.

Continue reading “Set Variable By Name Re-Revisited”

Level: Advanced, Version: FM 16 or later

Set Variable By Name Revisited

Update 19 Aug 2021: demo file has been superseded by the one available in Set Variable By Name Re-Revisited


You’ve probably heard the old joke that goes…

Patient: Doc, it hurts when I do this.

Doctor: Don’t do that.

Perhaps you’re also familiar with the FileMaker equivalent?

Developer: It hurts when I try to assign certain variable names.

FileMaker: Don’t do that.

Continue reading “Set Variable By Name Revisited”

JSON, Level: Intermediate, Version: FM 16 or later

JSON Currency Exchange Rates

Update 27 Feb 2023: this article has been superseded by JSON Currency Exchange Rates revisited.

Update 11 Apr 2021: as per comments below, demo has been updated to use a new service: openrates.io.

Welcome back for another exciting round of JSON exploration. Last time we discussed a JSON-related bug fix in FM 19, as well as a free package tracking service that returns results in JSON format. Today we’re going to look at a free currency exchange rate service.

Demo file: json-exchange-rates-via-openrates.zip

2020-08-24_09-12-59 Continue reading “JSON Currency Exchange Rates”

Level: Any, Version: FM 16 or later

FilterValues, part 2

Sometimes it happens that the real value of a blog posting emerges in the comments section. Such was the case last time, when Paul Jansen posted an elegant little workaround to remedy a performance issue with the FilterValues function. Paul’s workaround is deserving of its own demo, and that’s what we’re going to look at today.

Demo file: filtering-values-v2.zip


Continue reading “FilterValues, part 2”

JSON, Level: Advanced, Version: FM 16 or later

Ordering Elements within JSON Objects


If you’ve generated JSON objects via FileMaker, you’re likely aware of the disparity between the order in which you specify the elements, and the order in which they subsequently appear (i.e., alphabetized by key name). As I wrote two years ago (in Thinking About JSON, Part 2)…

Both JSONSetElement and JSONFormatElements will automatically alphabetize key/value pairs within JSON objects. This can be disconcerting if you aren’t expecting it, but eventually you work through the stages of grief and come to accept that it’s just the way things are. The JSON Data Interchange Standard definition at json.org specifies that “An object is an unordered [emphasis mine] set of name/value pairs”, whereas an array is an “ordered collection of values”. In other words, by definition the order of the key/value pairs within JSON objects simply does not, and should not, matter.

Well… okay… you know that, and I know that, and FileMaker knows that, as do the JSON Jedi… but what if you are demonstrating a proof of concept to a client, and to avoid cognitive dissonance and unnecessary explanation you’d like to “doctor the evidence” (so to speak) and order the elements meaningfully?

For example, you’d like them to see this…

2020-04-29_165223 Continue reading “Ordering Elements within JSON Objects”

ExecuteSQL, JSON, Level: Advanced, Version: FM 16 or later, Virtual List

Virtual Portal

Demo file: virtual-portal-v1b.zip

This is a follow-up to last month’s article on virtual list, and this time we’re going to explore a way to use virtual list in a portal.

Imagine you have built a system where a Company can be a parent of a Mill, Refinery, Estate, or another Company.


Each of these entities exists as a separate table in your database…


…and from the perspective of a Company record, you’d like to be able to see all immediate children. Continue reading “Virtual Portal”

Level: Advanced, Version: FM 16 or later, Virtual List

Virtual List Simplified

Demo file: virtual-list-simplified.zip

Note 1: The example in today’s article/demo is intentionally very basic.
Note 2: The demo is self-populating to keep the data current, so the values you see in the screen shots will not exactly match those you encounter in the demo.

Recently I had the pleasure of discussing virtual list with Paul Jansen and Jeremy Brown on The Context podcast. One consequence of having written so much on the subject over a period of many years, is that information has been spread across many articles. Another consequence is that my thinking re: certain implementation specifics has changed over time.

At the risk of stating the obvious, there are many, many ways to skin the virtual list cat, and the purpose of today’s article is not to say “this is the best way”, or imply that other approaches are flawed, but simply to propose one particular approach you might take — especially if you are either: a) new to virtual list, or b) already using virtual list, but aren’t completely happy with your current implementation.

At any rate, my aim today is to gather some useful insights from earlier articles into a single document (with an occasional new idea thrown in as well), and some of what follows has been recycled from those earlier articles. Continue reading “Virtual List Simplified”